
College of Natural Sciences


The curriculum focuses on the fundamentals of physics and experiments in order to develop human resources with practical abilities and knowledge in physics needed by high-tech industries such as the photonics industry, display industry, nano and semiconductor industries.

  1. Optics: Understand the features of waves including that of lights and acquire application knowledge in order to obtain practical capacities for flat screen displays (LCD, OLED, etc), 3D images (holograms), lasers, fast data processing, optical computers, optical devices, optical communication, high-quality lens design, supersonic wave systems, etc. (5 professors)
  2. Nano and semiconductor physics: Acquire practical capacities in key technologies for the IT industry such as nano elements, magnetic semiconductors, quantum well semiconductors, carbon nano-tube, high and low temperature superconductors, computer memory, etc. (6 professors)
  3. Educators/Public Employees/MEET/DEET: Fosters physics teachers for secondary schools by having sufficient amount of experiments and theoretical abilities, while supporting public employee tests, and MEET/DEET.


HistoryThis table demonstrates the history of this major according to years.
1967 Authorized to establish Yeungnam University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Physics
1973 Opened masters degree program at graduate school
1979 Opened PhD program at graduate school
1981 Changed to College of Sciences Department of Physics
1981 Opened Physics education department at the Graduate School of Education
1997 Selected as specialized university for basic science as part of the Ministry of Education's local college specialization project
2001 Selected as best college for five consecutive years in evaluation for basic science as part of the Ministry of Education's local college specialization project
2008 Awarded "the excellent department" by Korea University Association
2009 Selected as a participant of "Green Energy Education and Research Center" funded by Korea Research Foundation
2011 Graduates : 1115 undergraduates, 199 masters, 72 PhDs, 46 from Graduate School of Education
2012 Selected as a participant of “Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation (LINC)” funded by Korea Research Foundation
2014 Selected as a participant of "IT/Energy/BT Industry Human Resource, Center Customized for the Training of Creative Human Resource in the field of Chemical Engineering (the CK-1)" funded by the Ministry of Education
2016 Selected as a participant of "Program for Industrial needs-Matched Education (PRIME)" funded by the Ministry of Education

Job Fields

What kind of lives can graduates in physics lead? Most students that graduate from the Yeungnam University Department of Physics find employment at industries or research centers, go on to graduate school or study abroad, become science (or physics) teachers at middle and high schools or find employment at public corporations. During and after choosing career paths, students will be surprised to see how widely they can apply the knowledge of physics that they studied in college. This is because they can operate efficiently at anything they do if they well understand the principles behind matter.

Below are detailed fields that student can enter in the future.

College Professor: First of all, in order to become a professor, students should enroll in graduate schools to obtain masters or PhDs. Currently, over 30 students who graduated from the Yeungnam University Department of Physics are now professors. Majors - Physics, Engineering (Electric, Electronic), Medical (Medical Engineering, Radiotherapeutics)

Education: Graduates who are interested in the education field are currently working as secondary school teachers or managing and lecturing at private academies. Students who are interested in the education field can acquire their license to teach at secondary schools in physics or enroll at the Graduate School of Education and improve the interest level and quality of education. There are approximately 100 graduates who are now working as secondary school teachers.

Research: Graduates who are interested in the physics often enter research centers. In order to work in research centers, students must first acquire their masters or PhD at graduate schools in Korea or abroad. Once they do this, they have a wide range of research centers to choose from in physics. There are currently over 60 graduates who are working in research centers.

Public Corporations: In order to find employment in technology for public corporations, physics is an absolutely necessary requisite and it has various advantages. Graduates have found employment at the Korea Transportation Safety Authority, Korea Telecom, nuclear power plants and Seoul Metro.

Businesses: By majoring in physics it is advantageous to find employment in companies that deal with optics, nano-technology, electricity, electronics and computing. In particular, display companies that include electrics, electronics, mechanics, optics and nano technologies are hiring the most Over 150 graduates are working for large conglomerates and prospective mid-size companies.

Medical: Ultrasonics, nuclear images, NMR-CT, endoscopes, SQUID, X-ray, gamma knives, laser surgery and LASIC, which are used in various treatment and diagnosis devices at hospitals are technologies born from physics, and they make up about 80% of all equipment used for medical purposes. There are not many departments specializing in this department and therefore, there are many opportunities for careers. Graduates are entering radiation fields that operate cutting-edge equipment in university hospitals every year, and it is a very stable job. Doctor qualification tests (MEET/DEET) also recognized the importance of knowledge in physics and has designated it as prerequisite courses. Students can study physics in their departments, pass doctor qualification tests and enter medical fields to become a doctor with specialized knowledge in physics to become in high demand because of their scarcity even in the medical field.

There are many different career paths to choose from by majoring in physics. This is because together with the academic generality of physics, its curriculum also provides students with the foundation to think in a scientific process. Furthermore, students who major in physics can also enroll in graduate schools in Korea and abroad in engineering, economics or management.


  • Kwak, Chong Hoon,Professor

    • KAIST Applied Optics, Green Energy (Energy Physics)
  • Gwag Jin Seog,Professor

    • Pusan National Univ. Photonics, Energy Physics
  • KI HYEON KIM,Professor

    • Myongji Univ. Energy Physics: Energy conversion: Magnetics
  • Kim, Eng Chan,Professor

    • Yonsei Univ. Condensed Matter Physics: Magnetism,Energy Physics
  • JONG SU KIM,Professor

    • Yeungnam Univ. Semiconductor Physics (Quantum Nanodevices,QD-Solar Cells)
  • Jonghoon Yi,Professor

    • KAIST optics, Laser optics, solar cell, display
  • Joh Young-Gull,Associate Professor

    • Univ. of California at Riverside Condensed Matter Physics, Energy Physics
  • Rajneesh Kumar Mishra,International Research Professor

    • Motilal Nehru NIT Allahabad
  • ROY NIPA,International Research Professor
  • LE GIA TRUNG,International Research Professor

    • Chonbuk National Univ.
  • ZEINALVANDFARZIN BEHNAM,International Research Professor
  • KUMAR VIPIN,International Research Professor

    • Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
  • SEYEDEINARDEBILI SEYEDEHBAHAREH,International Research Professor

    • University of Tabriz
  • Majumder Sutripto,International Research Professor
  • Ala Manohar,International Research Professor

    • Vellore Institute of Technology University(VIT University) magnetic materials
  • ARLA SAI KUMAR,International Research Professor

    • Yogi Vemana University

sorted by the position and Korean name


Department Of Physics
  • 1-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    1- 1
    Introduces classical mechanics. Space and time: straight-line kinematics; motion in a plane; forces and equilibrium; experimental basis of Newton's laws; particle dynamics; universal gravitation; collisions and conservation laws; work and potential energy; vibrational motion; conservative forces; inertial forces and non-inertial frames; central force motions; rigid bodies and rotational dynamics.
    1- 1
    This course is designed to introduce the basic experiments in general physics. This course includes physical experiments related to classical mechanics ; Projectile Motion, Free Fall, Borda's Pendulum, Air Track, Resonance Tube App, force Table, Centripetal Force, Torsional Rigidity Pendulum
    1- 1
    The aim of the course is to help students develop basic English verbal skills in real life situations. The course will be co-taught by Korean and Native English instructors. Korean instructors will provide students with basic English structure, vocabulary, and expressions, and students will be encouraged to practice speaking English utilizing basic English structures. Students will further practice expressing themselves in English with native English instructors.
    1- 1
    1. Summary of the course This course is to assist university freshmen in CRM designing to adapt university life well through the instruction and counselling of supervising professor. (This course is composed of self analysis, personality type test, career research, instruction for the success of university life, career plan and direction setting, CRM designing method and CRM designing. The course should be teaching in classes of the students by supervising professor.) 2. Course objectives This course is to motivate the students before the mid term exam and provide students with self analysis, personality type test (MBTI or TCI) and career research (YAT test). Also, this course shall has a plan to instruct the students to enhance the efficiency of university life through career and time management. In addition, this course is to make a chance for the students to have practical assistance to university life by providing study method, report designing strategy and the information on academic system and various kinds of internal programs of the university. After the mid term exam, the students will be instructed to set the direction of career designing through continuous counselling of supervising professor and the students will be able to establish CRM designing and execution plan.
    1- 1
    This course is to cultivate community sense as members of society and the global village for students in order to develop the basic knowledge required as global citizens. Especially, this course is to foster the spirit of cooperation, sharing, service, and creativity and study the social contribution and leadership to solving the challenges the global community faces. As a liberal arts course, it is centered to nurture a leader having the global capability to contribute to community development through learning the knowledge and the case on the value & logic of social responsibility focused on environmental preservation, social contribution, and good governance(ESG). This course aims to foster a generous mind, learn knowledge and technology and build the capacity to contribute to building a society towards a safer and happier world through the study of theory and practice.
    1- 1
    Software and AI (Artificial Intelligence) course aims to educate the basic concepts of software and computational thinking to use them in various applications. It allows students of various majors to experience the core technologies of the 4th industrial revolution, such as big data, machine learning, and AI. It also introduces various applications of AI so that students can easily apply these technologies to their field of study. This course classifies the lecture types into three categories, and adjust the lecture difficulty according to the student's academic ability.
    1- 1
    In this lecture we will solve many exercises related with the general physics (1) lecture concerning newtonian mechanics and thermal physics.
    1- 1
    Fundamental Mathematical Physics is the preliminary course for the Mathematical Physics(1,2). This course relates very fundamental mathematics with simple physics. Trigonometric functions are related to the expression and superposition of waves, differentiation and integration are to the instantaneous velocity, and vectors are to the displacement and force.
    1- 2
    Calculus(1) covers the following: Sequences, limits and continuity of functions of single variable, derivatives, properties of derivatives, differentiation rules, higher order derivatives, applications of derivatives, definite integrals, indefinite integrals, properties of integrals, integration rules, applications of integrals, infinite series power series.
    1- 2
    The ability of analyzing and solving problems is emphasized as one of the conditions for survival in the 21st century and one of the core elements of creative capabilities. This course was designed to cultivate convergence- and integration-based creative capabilities, which are integrated problem-solving capabilities to collect, analyze and process knowledge and information by reinforcing the ability of analyzing and solving problems, recreate it in a synthetic fashion, and express it effectively through speech and writing. The course will help the students cultivate their synesthesia thinking and communication skills based on sympathy with other human beings, understanding of the community, and positivity or Gongseong that is sought after by Yeungnam University. Its ultimate goals are to promote the students' creative knowledge development and reinforce their writing capabilities consistently through "convergence- and integration-based thinking and writing as a problem-solving approach."
    1- 2
    This course is designed to introduce the basic experiments in general physics. This course includes physical experiments related to electromagnetism ; Electromotive Force, Coulomb's Law, Equipotential Line, Inductance of Solenoid, Velocity of Light, Current Balance, Magnetic Field of Single Coil, Magnetic Field of straight Conductor.
    1- 2
    Introduction to electromagnetism and electrostatics: electric charge, Coulomb's law, electric structure of matter; conductors and dielectrics. Concepts of electrostatic field and potential, electrostatic energy. Electric currents, magnetic fields and Ampere's law. Magnetic materials. Time-varying fields and Faraday's law of induction. Basic electric circuits. Electromagnetic waves and Maxwell's equations.
    1- 2
    In this lecture we will solve many exercises related with the general physics (2) lecture concerning electromagnetism, optics, and nuclear physics.
  • 2-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    2- 1
    The fundamental physics principles and methods which are employed in medical treatment are presented. Topics such as the atomic properties of matters, supersonics, lasers and radioactivity are included.
    2- 1
    Students devel0p the basic skills associated with the electronics by building basic analog and digital circuits and characterizing them.
    2- 1
    In the first semester we deal with the vector analysis, operator and matrix analysis, function of complex variable and calculus of residues.
    2- 1
    Vectorial kinematics, Newtonian mechanics, oscillations, general motion of a particle in 3 dimensions, non-inertial reference of systems, and gravitational and central forces are treated.
    2- 2
    Introduction to Medical Physics is a discipline that conducts research on diagnosis and treatment technologies based on various physical theories applied in modern medicine. Various medical equipments such as CT, MRI, PET, linear accelerator, cyber knife, particle therapy equipment used for accurate diagnosis and treatment of diseases in modern medicine were developed based on physics. in this course, student should understand the Physical principles of medical equipment.
    2- 2
    In the second semester the differential equations, special functions of mathematical physics, Fourier series and Fourier transforms will be treated.
    2- 2
    Dynamics of systems of particles, mechanics of rigid bodies, motion of rigid bodies in 3 dimensions, Lagrangian mechanics and dynamics of oscillating systems are treated.
    2- 2
    This course introduces the basic concepts and theories of electrostatics. The main subjects are as follow : electrostatics, solution of electrostatic problems, electrostatic field in dielectric media, microscopic theory of dielectrics, electrostatic energy, electric current, and electric circuits carrying steady current.
    2- 2
    Using the graphical Labview program, it is possible to collect and control the analog physical quantity and digital data directly to the DAQ device, and the physical quantities of the remote locations can be measured and controlled by analog and digital data monitors using IT and IoT. Try to learn a measurement method that integrates IT that makes it possible.
    2- 2
    Fundamental principles of energy has being widely applied to almost all sciences and engineering fields. This lecture was ready to provide undergraduate science students with a basic understanding of the energy storage and converting based on the electric circuits. The following contents are included: DC circuit, AC circuit, Faraday effects, RLC circuit, photoelectric effects, solar cell energy converting and so on.
  • 3-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    3- 1
    In Computational Physics, you learn how to use the various computer softwares for solving mathematical problems. We use Mupad or Mathematica for vector operation, differentiation, and integration. We learn Matlab for dealing matrix calculation and numerical analysis and apply the technique to the physics simulation.
    3- 1
    This course deals with the magnetic field of steady currents, magnetic properties of matter, microscopic theory of magnetism, electromagnetic induction, magnetic energy, slowly varying currents, and Maxwell's equations. Furthermore, this subject discuss on propagation of electromagnetic waves.
    3- 1
    This course mainly deals lens design and aberrations.
    3- 1
    his course introduces various energy sources, energy conversion, and energy efficiency in physical point of view. Especially, it deals with fossil fuel, solar energy, fuel cell, wind energy, bio energy, geothermal energy, and atomic energy.
    3- 1
    This lecture deals with the fundamental concept of sciences, including chemistry, physics and biology which is necessary for science education in secondary schools. The topic of this course consists of the object of science education, historical background, method in teaching, usage of experiment and analysis of the content of science in secondary school.
    3- 1
    1. Definition of vacuum - Vacuum units and conversion - Vacuum pump and vacuum gauge - Structure and function of vacuum equipment 2. Thin film deposition method - Deposition method using thermal evaporator, electron beam evaporator, sputter, and chemical vapor evaporator - Si-based semiconductor devices - II-VI, III-V compound semiconductor devices 3. Crystal growth evaluation
    3- 1
    The purpose of this course is to acquire experience with experimental aspects of modern physics and to deepen your understanding of the relations between modern physics and cutting-edge industry. You will understand basic aspects of modern physics from Frank constant measurement and e/m measurement. You will also learn important concepts of thermal physics, solid-state physics, and radiation physics in this course. In addition, you will learn to use various advanced measurement equipment and will acquire the skills for data analysis.
    3- 1
    This course will introduce you to the fundamental ideas of quantum mechanics. We will develop the mathematical techniques necessary to understand and explore physical systems. We will cover the following material : the wave function, Hilbert spaces, operators and eigenvectors, the uncertainty principle, and time independent Schrodinger equation.
    3- 2
    The objective of this course is designed for the students in the major of *** to achieve both the practical knowledge and the experience in the related job fields.
    3- 2
    Lectures on Physics aspects, principles and applications of Display, Laser, Ultrasonic, Semiconductor, Magnetic materials, Medical Physics, Nano-devices. During the course students are subjected to learn some important theories and experimental methods for Display, Laser, Ultrasonic, Semiconductor, Magnetic materials, Medical Physics, and Nano-devices applications. Unlimited discussion will be held on analyzing experimental data and searching of the future job between students and his(her) advisor.
    3- 2
    In Quantum Mechanics(2) introduces you to the further understanding of the ideas in quantum mechanics, as well as it's applications. With the problem of quantum mechanics in three dimensions, you will understand the hydrogen atom, angular momentum, and spin. A perturbation theory will introduced, which provides an approximate solution when no exact one exists.
    3- 2
    This course is designed to introduce some concepts of interaction between matter and radiation. The principal concepts are as follows; atomic structure, bremsstrahlung and X-ray, -ray, stable nuclei, induced nuclear transformation, emission of charged particles in radioactive decay, spontaneous radioactivity, nutrino physics, application of radiation physics in health physics.
    3- 2
    The course, research and teaching in Science education, is for learning the efficient education method for middle and high school science by investigation of class process and teaching methods with analyses of science textbook and assessment methods
    3- 2
    1. Energy band and carrier concentration of semiconductor - Crystal structure of semiconductor materials, energy band formation, and unique characteristics of electrons and holes - A method of expressing the electron concentration in thermal equilibrium as the Fermi level, and a method of controlling the electrical properties of a semiconductor using impurity injection. 2. Current formation and excess carriers - Elements that form current, drift current and diffusion current - Carrier mobility and diffusion coefficient - Continuity equation, electronic transport equation, diffusion equation 3. Control of bonding and electrical properties - p-n junction characteristics - Current-voltage characteristics of p-n junction - Characteristics of metal-semiconductor junctions
    3- 2
    The purpose of this lecture is to learn experimentally the principles of some important devices of modern optics industry such as laser, LED, display, interferometer, optical communication, and holography. Topics of experiment include alignment of solid-state laser, second harmonic generation, grating spectrometer, hologram, aberration of lens, polarization, scattering, focal length of curved mirror, optical fiber, Fourier optics, optical activity, Pockels effect, Faraday effect, measurement of refractive index of prism, structure and principle of display, divergence angle and brightness measurement of light source and display etc. Also, students will be able to learn how to use lasers and how to clean optics such as prism and lens.
    3- 2
    This course is designed to study crystal structure and reciprocal lattice, crystal binding, phonon, free electron fermi gas, energy bands and semiconductor crystals.
    3- 2
    This course is designed to discuss some of the basic physical concepts and methods appropriate for the description of systems involving very many particles. It is intended, in particular, to present the disciplines of thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and kinetic theory, from a unified and modern point of view.
  • 4-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    4- 1
    This course is intended to develop and increase individual research capacity. During the course students are subjected to learn some important theories and experimental methods regarding physics. Unlimited discussion will be held on analyzing experimental data and preparing scientific paper between students and his(her) advisor.
    4- 1
    The purpose of this topic is to learn important topics of optics and displays such as Young's experiment, Fourier optics, optical activity, spectrum analysis, chromatics, structure of OLED, and optical principle of LCD. Also, students will be able to learn how to measure optical characteristics of the displays.
    4- 1
    The objective of this course is designed for the students in the major of *** to achieve both the practical knowledge and the experience in the related job fields.
    4- 1
    The general purpose of this course is to introduce definition and methodology of logical reasoning including arguments, explanations, deductive and inductive reasoning, common fallacies in scientific reasoning, and hypotheses. A unique feature of the course is the study of pseudo science. This course also emphasizes exercise of essays on the various scientific topics and phenomena. Students learn some of the most effective methods of inquiry, analysis, and criticism in the fields of the natural sciences by essay writing.
    4- 1
    1. Transistor element - Characteristics of bipolar transistor - Structure and operating principle of bipolar transistor 2. MOSFET using insulated gate - The structure and characteristics of MOSFET, which has a MOS structure, which is the most core element that constitutes electronic information and communication circuits, systems, and application devices. - Capacitance-voltage characteristics and current-voltage characteristics of MOSFET 3. Optical devices on the peninsula - Photodetection and photoluminescence device characteristics using semiconductors - Characteristics of solar cells, which are energy conversion elements - Structure, operating principle, and performance indicators of optical devices
    4- 1
    In recent years nanotechnology has become one of the most important and exciting forefront fields in physics. The aim of this lecture is to introduce the new concepts and the many breakthroughs in nanophysics and provide a broad coverage and insight into this field. The topic includes properties of individual nanoparticles, carbon nanostructures, bulk nanostructured materials, nanostructured ferromagnetism, quantum wells, wires, and dots.
    4- 2
    This will be a lecture subsequent to Basic design of applied physics and then, dealt with various applied sciences on physics aspect, such as applications of Display, Laser, Ultrasonic, Semiconductor, Magneticmaterials, Medical Physics, Nano-devices. Through the course, students will learn key theories and principles for the several applications referred above. Open discussion will be held on analyzing experimental data and searching of the future job between students and his(her) advisor.
    4- 2
    This course is intended to develop and increase individual research capacity. During the course students are subjected to learn some important theories and experimental methods regarding physics. Unlimited discussion will be held on analyzing experimental data and preparing scientific paper between students and his(her) advisor.
    4- 2
    In this lecture we will treat the following topics: a brief history of optics, the mathematics of wave motion, electromagnetic theory of light, and the versatile optical phenomena such as polarization, interference and diffractions, and also introduction to laser theory along with some modern scientific, medical and industrial applications.
    4- 2
    The general purpose of this course is to improve the english presentation ability for Physics fields. This course also emphasizes exercise of essays on the various physical topics and phenomena through the english. Students learn some of the most effective methods of inquiry, analysis, and criticism in the fields of the physics by english essay writing.
    4- 2
    1. Eight major semiconductor processes - Composition and role of the eight major semiconductor processes 2. Exposure process - Semiconductor wafer cutting and cleaning - Exposure process practice through photoresist spin coating and curing - Metal electrode deposition practice using thermal evaporator and sputter - Etching and development practice 3. Characteristic evaluation - Measurement and evaluation of current-voltage characteristics of manufactured devices - Measurement and evaluation of capacitance-voltage characteristics of manufactured devices
