
Chunma College of General Studies


School of Free Majors is a special high demand program that allows students to freely choose their majors after the completion of the first year of education.

The School of Free Majors allows and guarantees students their pick of majors after one year of education unlike the conventional system of choosing majors before admission.

The purpose of the School of Free majors is to cultivate cultural studies, information studies and foreign language studies in order to promote valuable experiences to find a suitable major for the student.


HistoryThis table demonstrates the history of School of Free Majors according to years.
March 2007 Establishment of the School of Free Majors. Transfer to the College of Basic Studies.
Student recruitment in the School of Free Majors (Liberal Arts oriented) 231 students / Student recruitment in the School of Free Majors (Science oriented) 116 students
March 2008 Change of Major title : Major of Social and Human Sciences/Major of Natural Sciences
Recruitment of 293 students in Major of Social and Human Sciences / Recruitment of 101 students in Major of Natural Sciences
March 2009 Recruitment of 440 students (355 students in Major of Social and Human Sciences / 85 students in Major of Natural Sciences)
March 2010 Recruitment of 439 students (354 students in Major of Social and Human Sciences / 85 students in Major of Natural Sciences)
March 2011 Recruitment of 430 students (345 students in Major of Social and Human Sciences / 85 students in Major of Natural Sciences)
November 2012 Separated into the Free Major of Human Sciences and Free Major of Natural Sciences, newly established the Flight Operation track
March 2013 Recruitment of 491 students (365 students in Free Major of Human Sciences / 126 students in Free Major of Natural Sciences)
March 2014 Recruitment of 307 students (207 students in Free Major of Human Sciences / 100 students in Free Major of Natural Sciences)

Job Fields

One year of systematic major evaluation is used to match students with the best suited path. The majors available are listed below.

Major of Social and Human Sciences

Department of Korean Language and Literature, School of Chinese Language and Culture(Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese Translations), Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Department of English Language and Literature, Department of French Language and Literature, Department of German Language and Literature, Department of Philosophy, Department of Korean History, Department of History, Department of Cultural Anthropology, Department of Psychology, Department of Sociology, Department of Media and Communication, Department of Political Science and Diplomacy, Department of Public Administration, Department of Regional Development and Welfare Administration, School of Economics and Finance, School of Business, School of International Economics and Business, Department of Food Resource Economics

Major of Natural Sciences

Department of Mathematics, Department of Statistics, Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry, Department of Life Science, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Department of Urban Planning and Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical System Engineering, Mechanical Design Engineering, Mechanical Advanced Engineering), School of Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Information and Communication Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Textile Engineering and Technology, Department of Nano, Medical and Polymer Materials, Department of Horticultural Bio-Science, Department of Landscape Architecture, Department of Forest Resources, School of Food Science and Food Service Industry (Food Science and Technology, Food Service Industry), Department of Family and Housing Studies, Department of Food and Nutrition, Department of Clothing and Fashion, School of Biotechnology (Biotechnology, Molecular Life Science, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology), School of Architecture (Architecture (5 year school), Architectural Engineering, Architectural Design)


School Of Liberal Studies
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    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
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    1. Summary of the course This course is to assist university freshmen in CRM designing to adapt university life well through the instruction and counselling of supervising professor. (This course is composed of self analysis, personality type test, career research, instruction for the success of university life, career plan and direction setting, CRM designing method and CRM designing. The course should be teaching in classes of the students by supervising professor.) 2. Course objectives This course is to motivate the students before the mid term exam and provide students with self analysis, personality type test (MBTI or TCI) and career research (YAT test). Also, this course shall has a plan to instruct the students to enhance the efficiency of university life through career and time management. In addition, this course is to make a chance for the students to have practical assistance to university life by providing study method, report designing strategy and the information on academic system and various kinds of internal programs of the university. After the mid term exam, the students will be instructed to set the direction of career designing through continuous counselling of supervising professor and the students will be able to establish CRM designing and execution plan.
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    This course is to cultivate community sense as members of society and the global village for students in order to develop the basic knowledge required as global citizens. Especially, this course is to foster the spirit of cooperation, sharing, service, and creativity and study the social contribution and leadership to solving the challenges the global community faces. As a liberal arts course, it is centered to nurture a leader having the global capability to contribute to community development through learning the knowledge and the case on the value & logic of social responsibility focused on environmental preservation, social contribution, and good governance(ESG). This course aims to foster a generous mind, learn knowledge and technology and build the capacity to contribute to building a society towards a safer and happier world through the study of theory and practice.
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    The purpose of this course is to help the students of the School of Free Majors choose from micro-majors and student-designed majors by looking into critical issues of the near future, further their interests in related fields, and finally, to help them get jobs in the area of fourth industry. This course will focus on general topics such as human and social sciences, natural science, engineering, arts, fourth industries, and so on, and pass or fail grades will be given to students. The goals of the team project are (1) finding social problems/future issues and presenting solutions using convergent knowledge, (2) improving team work and utilizing collective intelligence through team formation, and (3) learning the problem-based learnving process through problem recognition and solution finding and verification. Through this course, students will learn basic skills that help create new values through ‘communication’ and ‘convergence’ to better prepare for the near future.
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    Software and AI (Artificial Intelligence) course aims to educate the basic concepts of software and computational thinking to use them in various applications. It allows students of various majors to experience the core technologies of the 4th industrial revolution, such as big data, machine learning, and AI. It also introduces various applications of AI so that students can easily apply these technologies to their field of study. This course classifies the lecture types into three categories, and adjust the lecture difficulty according to the student's academic ability.
